For few reasons. To maintain quality of users in this platform, Supplier to identify you, Supplier to contact you for quotations, Supplier to track you as a repeat customer. Supplier to offer you discounts and loyalty points.
Yes you can, but you will be required to sign up at the stage of ordering or request quotations from supplier.
Yes, It is free to register as a Buyer.
Yes you can. Login first and search your required products then add to cart. Select “Buy now” or “Request quotation” option at last stage.
Please send us a mail to customercare@hotelsupplier.lk Admin has a rewarding and penalty system for suppliers.
Yes, Please call 0094777489928  
Very easy, professional tool to call multiple quotations from registered hotel suppliers. Steps:
1.Upgrade your membership to “Premium Buyer” status. Contact Hotelsupplier.lk admin. Contact us
2.Login to your buyer account.
3.Click on “Quotation Pool”
4. Enter Product Name, Description, Select category of the product you search, Add a photo of your requirement ( A Sample photo if available. Supplier can understand your exact requirement)
5.Submit request.
6. Hotelsupplier.lk system will generate multiple quotation request messages. Message will be delivered to all related Platinum and Gold Member Suppliers registered in hotelsupplier.lk . Suppliers will see your requirement in their login page and they will send quotations to your email if they have the right product you search.
7. Once you get your quotation and wish to close your “Quotation Pool request”, please login to your account and select “Quotation Pool History” and deactivate the request.

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